1: Can participants vote remotely over the internet?
Yes. Live-Tally Connect supports remote participation using our web-based virtual keypad technology.
2: Does the software integrate with PowerPoint?
No. Live-Tally is a stand-alone Windows application. We offer another product, Keypoint Interactive, that integrates seamlessly with PowerPoint.
3: Can I install Live-Tally on more than one PC?
Yes, you can install Live-Tally on as many computers as you need.
4: Can I order my system with a different amount of keypads?
Yes. Any sized system can be configured. Just give us a call or send us an email to request a quotation.
5: What is the range of the keypads?
The keypads are rated at a range of 300 feet indoors. Many things can impact RF performance and actual range may vary.
6: Can I see how it works before I buy?
Absolutely! Just contact us to request an online demo.
7: Does Live-Tally work on a Mac?
No. Live-Tally currently supports all modern Windows desktop operating systems. This includes Windows XP (SP3) through Windows 10. In order to use Live-Tally on your Mac, you need a virtualization program like Parallels or VMWare Fusion.